Monday, March 26, 2007

Psychology and astrology

Psychology is a science that tries to explain Human behavior in a particular situation even though human behavior is complex in nature. Still the subject is put to extensive use in various professions particularly where the profession involves consultation and interaction with the clients - be it a medical service,legal profession and so on and astrologers are no exception to this rule.
Astrologers have to consider a lot of psychological issues while giving their opinion for the simple reason that every Individual cannot be expected to be matured enough when possible bad events in one's life are said. It is common among many astrologers during interaction with their clients sounding positive words and hope even if the planetary combinations suggest otherwise. The concept of Parikaram or repentance for bad planetary combinations are also a way to infuse hope in an individual. When observed carefully people in good position may attach sentiments like beginning their work and so on In Contradiction people who take recourse to astrology are normally those who have been affected by some issues with no solution in sight.
In the light of the above scenario when a person comes to an astrologer,the astrologer is duty bound to infuse hope even while advising caution on certain issues rather sounding words of doom and destruction in an individuals life. It is even possible that a person suffers psychologically more because of the astrologers advise than because of his real life problems and affecting him.


Nash 007 said...

Hmm!! Does it mean astologers are well versed in Psychology?

Not sure why astrologers need to know a human behaviour than predict future!!

Psychology and Astology are different

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