Saturday, April 14, 2007

Face is the Index of Mind

We often see people quoting the popular phrase contained in my blog title and i have always felt bemused many times thinking whether thats really possible.However much all my opinions and bias against astrology and similar subjects that i had possessed underwent some change during my days of graduation as it was the age when we explore many things and i happened to meet a person accidentally while I was on my way to college.It was the meeting that changed my outlook towards areas like astrology,face reading and so on and has brought me to this level of writing a blog post on Face reading.
As I had suggested in my earlier blog with Samudrika Lakshanam the past present and future possible events in an individuals life can be suggested. Face reading is an extenstion of the Subject of this forgotten art. Face reading has also got a closer link with astrology in the sense the essence that Many physical appearance in our human face is closely associated with characterization attributed to many of the planets in the solar system.This could be exemplified by the popular belief that the bald people are intelligent and this holds some logic in art of face reading as the mercurial People are associated with baldness in their fore head.Taking the help of face reading we can easily decipher easily the needs,personality traits,ability and so on. Its appropriate to mention here that Dr Edward Vincent Jones, Judge with US Superior court and who has dealt with lots of people spanning his judicial service has compiled a list of facial features for genius people,criminals though his intentions were otherwise to disprove such correllations,has finally accepted these things to be true and infallible one. Its also interesting to know that since the time of Confucis chinese doctors have even used the art of face reading for the purpose of diagnosis. Identification/Classification differs in chinese and other contemporary methods of face reading and yet the prediction techniques are similar in nature.

To Know more please continue reading this blog.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Samudrika Lakshanam

In one of the Tamil Film in recent times there is a scene where the hero would be discussing about the qualities and character of women with his bunch of friends on the basis of some classification like patini sitini and so on. As the curiosity within me grew I started collecting information from various sources including internet and in a chance i got to possess some book on the forgetten art of Yesteryears - Samudrika Lakshanam. I was surprised further when i found a book written by the popular lyricist of the bygone Years Late Shri.Kannadasn on samudrika Lakshanam. As I started reading the book I was amazed at the intellect,wisdom and intelligence of our great fore fathers and could even recollect some stories depicted in some movies and thought of sharing some knowledge that i had gained in due course and I am publising this article.
So what does the samudrika Lakshanam tries to explain - Character of Men and women in simple sense. It is widely beleived that if a person well versed in the art of Samudrika Lakshanam can easily decipher the character of an individual who is totally unknown.If observed very carefully in our daily life we come to certain conclusion just at the look of some individuals - and that is the influence of the art of samudrika Lakshanam in our daily lives. The predictions in this forgotten art varies for men and women for the simple reason that the physical attributes of men and women are not the same

Continued in my subsequent blogs.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Nadi Astrology - Beliefs and Myths

If there is any branch of astrology that is more abused and denigrated than any branch of astrology then think it should only be Nadi Astrology. May the reason stems from the fact that there is a cloud of mystery surrounding Nadi astrology . The Matters have been made worse by the fact that quacks with greed for quick money have played with the gullible public(remember India has one of the worst records of adherence to Intellectual Property rights and Nadi astrology is no exception) and yet its a gift that has been given to us by our sages with a great insight in to the future. A vital belief among the Nadi Astrologers are that only if a person is pre destined to know from Nadi astrology that his palm leaves would be found else his palm leaves may never be found.However much the predictions contained in Nadi astrology is subject to the karma of an individual
Nadi astrologers believe that these Palm leaves have been written by sapta rishis or the great 7 of all the rishis - Sage Vashista,Sage Agasthya,Sage Bhrighu,Sage Viswamitra,Sage Valmiki,Sage Bohar and Sage Vyasar(Veda Vyasar - the famed author of Mahabharata) . It is believed that these sages gifted these Palm leaves to seven leaves and only family members and their generation of those seven families are in the profession across the country. These old palm leaves contain couplets/poetic expression of the individual who comes in search of his roots as the word "Nadi" means "in search of".These Nadi astrology are generally referred to as Nadi Grantham in South India and Bhrighu Samitham in the North.
Late Shri B.V.Raman in one of his articles published years ago in an article written in a much famed English Daily while referring to Nadi astrology states that 1588320 astrological combinations repeat themselves once in every 360 years.
To Know more please continue reading this blog.