Sunday, January 28, 2007

Opinion Polls compared With astrology..

It has always been a keen area of interest for evey human being to know what awaits him in the future for the simple reason that future is highly uncertain.. Predicting a future has different perceptions to a lot of people . Predictions are made through a no. of ways depending on the subject matter.. Opinion polls are a method used to predict a winner and loser in an election to an assembly or a parliament . Opinion poll is a good statistical tool on the basis of which the data is analysed to ascertain whether a party will win or lose the elections if they held at a particular point of time.. In countries like India Opinion polls in the recent times have been a failiure in most of the cases.. and the best example for the failed prediction was the 2004 General elections and yet the people's craze for Opinion Polls have not gone down for the simple reason politicians make their plans to and work out strategies to reduce adverse public reaction and try to turn the tide for the sake of power.. Normally Political Parties react positively when it supports them and counter them when a Opinion polls are against them and parallelly they also rework their strategies to suit their political ends. These reactions at the best help Politicians either to consolidate their bases or at reduce the negative fall out..
Now Coming to Astrology as a tool of prediction reaction of politicians holds good for the believers and disbelievers. It would be appropriate to understand and analyse the reactions for and against astrology.. As a Matter of fact both the opinion polls and Astrology are only indicative in nature in the sense that they only indicate the trend of a particular election and the possible direction in which a persons life is likely to go at a particular point of time. They are not absolute science

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